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Together: Playgrounds For All

Initial Researching and Ideation 

While researching inclusive playgrounds, I discovered the severe exclusion that playgrounds across the UK impose on disabled children. Motivated by this, I visited my local playground in West Sussex, and found the statistics to be true: my playground lacked accessibility, only offered active play options, and had poorly maintained equipment
I interviewed several parents around West Sussex, one particular parent told me the impact of playgrounds and how limited understanding and awareness of disabled children can lead to further exclusion.

User Experience

I looked into existing resources and companies for inclusive playgrounds I found charities, inclusive playground equipment companies and parent Facebook groups. There is several resources that provided support and demand for inclusive playground however, there is no significant change and still very little awareness to greater public 
( with no protests, major advertisement and interventions)  about the significance of playgrounds 

What's out there to help?

Bringing Awareness is Key

Despite the need and several support. There is an extreme lack of awareness and effective demand making change. I found some issues that is limiting these efforts: 

What's Stopping the Development of Inclusive Playgrounds?

Benefits of playgrounds:

I realised that there is already existing support, however, there is still a lot of parents and individuals unaware of this support and issue. With all these supportive resources as separate identities this motivated me to create my Together campaign. Unlike the already establish charities and their campigns, my vision for Together campaign is to be the main platform which collaborates and brings all support resources and individuals under one platform. With greater people, resources and awareness the greater the demand. 
My main value to the brand is ensuring the
representation of all children, both disabled and
non-disabled. I thought playful characters would be a good way to communicate and represent to children.
I chose rocks due to their diverse structures in shape and recognisable features of outdoors ( children use rocks for stacking, painting etc).  I went for a cut out theme to also present a childish touch to the brand, creating the typography to be a cross between structures of rocks and cut out paper.

Developing Together Campaign 

Poster Development:

Taglines and 3D Designs:

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